Curtain Cleaning – to clean or not to clean?

As a dry cleaners, we are obviously going to tell you to clean your curtains. But beware they can be a variety of problem associated with curtains, so we want to provide you with a few tips to keep your curtains pristine.

As most of us only thinking of cleaning our curtains after they visually become dusty or marked. They may have being framing our windows for months or even years. Sometime problems arise from the curtains just hanging their beautifully.

This can be due to a high concentration of sunlight, fading may not be evident until you take your curtains down and bring them for dry cleaning or wash them.

Some care tips for your curtains:

  • Clean at least once a year
  • Look for dampness and moisture around the windows, which could cause water marks and stains.
  • Move furniture a few inches from curtains to above abrasive damage
  • If possible use blinds in the kitchen or areas which there is high steam or smokey atmosphere